Majority of donors maintaining or increasing giving in 2020

I’m supposed to be on vacation right now, and I set myself some strict boundaries about totally unplugging and taking a tech break.
But I couldn’t resist popping in to write this quick post - because this news is just too good not to share!
You know I’ve been keeping my eye on all the research about donor attitudes and behaviour during the pandemic…
...and study after study is showing that the vast majority of donors are planning to maintain or even increase their giving this year.
But this brand new report, hot off the presses from nonprofit marketing research leaders Campbell Rinker, got me REALLY excited.
This research focused on “high-dollar” donors who gave more than $2,500 to charities in 2019 - and here’s what they found:
70% said they expect to give at least the same amount this year as in 2019
18% percent said they expect to give more this year than last year
12% percent said they expected to give less
One of the most interesting aspects of this study is that they also looked at the donors’ experience of economic stress.
Participants in the study had high confidence in their own ability to manage economic disruptions. 80% said they are under no economic stress, and only 13% said their situation is “mildly challenging.”
If anyone in your organization still thinks it’s insensitive or inappropriate to ask your donors for donations right now, please share this research with them!
We’re heading into what could be the most important year-end fundraising season of our lifetime - I know a lot of organizations have pressed pause on their major gift fundraising, and it’s absolutely crucial that we shift gears and start actively soliciting our donors.
The world needs you and your mission now more than ever - it’s GO TIME my friends!
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