The costly fundraising mistake your nonprofit could be making

finding major donors

I’ve noticed a dangerous and growing obsession among small and mid-sized nonprofits lately.

Boards are fixating on it, and Executive Directors just can’t get enough – and you, dear fundraiser, are being tasked with getting out there and finding new donors!

Now, donor acquisition is an important part of a healthy, well-rounded fundraising program.

But the trouble is, a lot of organizations are making a very costly mistake.

They are so focused on finding new donors, they’re virtually ignoring those closest to them: those generous folks who have already put up their hand up and said “yes” to supporting the work of their organization!

Here’s a good question to ask next time you are embarking on a campaign, mailing or event intended to acquire new donors.

Am I starting with those who have already said yes?

If so, go forth and work on acquiring new donors to your heart’s content.

But if not, perhaps it’s time to bring your sights a little closer to home, and focus on existing donors, volunteers and other close friends of your organization.

Are you thanking them really, really well, and sharing your heartfelt, personalized appreciation in a timely manner?

Are you using great storytelling to report back on the impact their involvement has had on delivering your mission?

When the time is right, are you respectfully asking them to increase their commitment, perhaps through a monthly and/or legacy gift?

If the answer is no to any of the above, it might be time to go back to the drawing board on your fundraising strategy….

And start again, with those who have said YES!

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